The permanent collection at The Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures includes more than 500 dollhouses and roomboxes, with each one containing dozens if not hundreds of miniature objects.

Take a closer look at the collection through our Collection Cameo videos and our archive of 60 Minis Magnified articles on miniatures in our collection.

Collection Cameo Videos

Please enjoy these short videos highlighting miniatures from our collection. Click on the artifact to access the video and article.

Essence of Island Books featured image

Essence of Island Books Collection Cameo

Colonial Room featured image

Colonial Room Collection Cameo

The Carriage House Antique Store featured image

The Carriage House Antique Store Collection Cameo

Weaving Studio featured image

Weaving Studio Collection Cameo

Sally Hemings full length

Sally Hemings Collection Cameo

Silver Queen featured image

Silver Queen Collection Cameo

Minis Magnified